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About the Host

La Troupe Folklorique Grecque Syrtaki is a non profit Hellenic dance troupe based in Montreal, whose ongoing mission is to preserve and promote Hellenic culture through the beauty of traditional dance, music and song, both locally and across North America Founded in 1973 by Greek Montreal university students, the dance troupe flourished under the direction of T. Serganis. In 1981 it was incorporated by three of its original members, L. K. Kourakis, M. S. Alexandrou and S. D. Perkizas. Ever since, it has remained an active player in the Montreal and North American cultural scenes, regularly appearing at local and international festivals. La Troupe Folklorique Grecque Syrtaki has staged four large scale productions at Montreal’s renowned Place des Arts Theatre, most recently in 2002 and 2004 under the direction of D Tzotzis In May 2007 a tri-city dance tour, Enthymion was presented in Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal, in collaboration with Ottawa’s Odyssey Dance Troupe and Toronto’s Paradosi Hellenic Dance Company In March of 2012 the dance troupe presented the original theatrical dance production Under the Almond Tree In the summer of 2013 Syrtaki completed its first cultural exchange in Greece The group’s second trip to Greece occurred in November 2015 with it’s participation on the Epsilon TV show ÎŒλοι οι καλοί χωράνε῾.

The Hellenic Cultural Conference Laografia is an invaluable educational tool which allows present and future generations to discover their cultural inheritance and Hellenic identity. This is attained in the workshops through knowledge that is shared by the specialized instructors/researchers in regards to traditional dance, song, instruments, costumes and ethnography. It is further reinforced through active participation during the conference glentia and through the stimulating social interaction created amongst participants, teachers and musicians. For all folklore aficionados, Hellenes and Philhellenes alike, Laografia exposes us to the cultural richness of Greece, thus nurturing a passion for the arts and a friendship for Hellenism.


For more information on La Troupe Folklorique Grecque Syrtaki, feel free to visit our website:

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